
The easiest club to hit in your golf bag but also the club that will put the biggest dent in your handicap is the putter. The putter comes in all shapes and sizes and is an essential golf club to have in your bag. When it comes to choosing the perfect putter, you’ll need to consider a range of factors. These can include deciding between a mallet or a blade design, opting for a milled face versus an insert, or choosing between a fat or skinny grip. However, for most golfers, one of the most important qualities to consider is the MOI, or Moment of Inertia. This metric essentially measures the putter’s stability during the stroke, and it can be a crucial determinant in making those decisive short-range shots

best high MOI putters

7 Best High MOI Putters – Say Bye to 3 Putts!

The 7 Best High MOI Putters start with TaylorMade Spider Tour Black Putter #3; Cobra Golf Agera 2021 King 3D Printed Putter; Odyssey Golf 2022 Eleven Putter; Pinemeadow Golf Men’s PGX MB Putter; Odyssey Golf 2021 Ten Putter; Ray Cook Golf Silver Ray SR500 Putter; Cleveland Golf Frontline Elevado Putter;
best putters for beginners

Best Putters For Beginners & High Handicappers In 2024

This is our review of the best putters for beginners and high handicappers today. Read this to reduce all your 3-putts and lower your golf score dramatically!